19 Shades of White

Thank you to approximately 50 customers who showed up to learn about Waterworks’ surfaces, and what makes them so special. Melenda’s presentation included delightful images of tile installations ranging from old world Europe to modern day baths. She described how the tiles get their rich colors and textures with the use of handmade processes and care. We learned about not only the beauty of Waterworks tile, but also about manufacturing, and what hand-crafted really means. Just one of their series offers over 19 different whites! We also discussed the differences between some patterns, glazes and variations in colors, and why they should be appreciated.
One designer in attendance, Garrison Salinas, said “The seminar was technically valid and will economically impact my bottom line”. I was inspired by the handmade tiles and their beauty, and their non-uniformity seemed
very texture-like”.
Finally, we covered installation, and although selecting tile is crucial, tile installation in a luxury project can make or break great design. There is so much more to come from Waterworks and their surfaces program as we are just scratching the surface, and this really was just their basic tutorial, so stay tuned!

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